Monday, January 28, 2008

Call me when you get there (a rap song by a market follower)

If you expect me to innovate, to initiate
Forget it, you won’t get it
Our products are good you see
They are ready
Others have done it already

Call me when you get there 2X

Our products are the best
Just like the rest
We either copy the best,
Or just follow the rest
We don’t just follow
But we borrow
Their ideas are deep but ours are shallow

Call me when you get there 2X

Our products are no different
They are proven
Not fresh out of oven
No need to shed sweats and tears
Just take from the others
Because they’ve done it for years

Call me when you get there 2X

No need to innovate
No time to create
Others are great
So we just take it
No need to market
No need to sell
We’ll get there
Only time will tell

Call me when you get there 2X

Research is just waste of time
So we think it’s fine
We just copy and save our dime
It’s not that we lax
Or we work not to the max
We just need more time to relax

Call me when you get there 2X
